Angkor trip day 1 - Angkor Wat

Cheney and Grace went to Angkor Wat in the afternoon, it was very very hot and Cheney was so tired with the heavy photography equipments and the sweaty clothes really made Cheney and Grace uncomfortable....Well, Cheney must say that the hot and sweaty weather is the biggest trouble for the photographer. Cheney just could not concentrate to take photos and of course there were not good photos... sadly..... 

Cheney與Grace是下午前往小吳哥的,天氣真是很熱很熱,汗流浹背再加上身上的攝影裝備與背包,Cheney 跟Grace都快累得虛脫了。熱天氣與潮濕黏膩真是對攝影者的一個大挑戰啊,Cheney也因此無法好好地照相.... :(

Angkor Wat is famous with its sunrise, if you are interesting with these kind of photos, just search "angkor wat sunrise" on google, then you can find a lot of amazing photos. Unfortunately, Cheney did not have the opportunity to see it... 

小吳哥最有名的就是他的日出,如果你有興趣,網上搜搜就可以找到很多照片了,Cheney是沒機會看到啦 ....:(

Angkor Wat has nearly 2000 Apsaras, and it is famous with its architectural masterpiece in fine proportions and rich in detail. Since Cheney mentioned the Apsaras, there is a very special one in Angkor Wat which is showing her teech. However, Cheney and Grace could not find this one, even with a map and book !

小吳哥有將近2000個蒂娃坦女神雕像,小吳哥的壁畫雕刻與細節也是不容錯過的地方。既然Cheney提到了蒂娃坦女神,就不得不說小吳哥唯一的一個露出牙齒的蒂娃坦女神,不過Cheney跟Grace卻找不到.....:( 看了書跟地圖也找不到!!!!

One mistake that Cheney took was that Cheney did not hire a tour guide. To be honest, the story about Angkor is really a big one and the culture is totally different from Cheney 's background. Therefore, a tour guide is must that can tell you the story of the gallery of Angkor Wat. 


From October 7, 2012
the design of Angkor Wat is very interesting, every step you can find an amazing 
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
again, lots of people...
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
Gallery of Angkor Wat
From October 7, 2012
From October 7, 2012
Beautiful Apsaras


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