The location of Mugecuo

Mugecuo located at Kangding, it takes 8 hours bus from Chengdu to kangding....What a long way....From Chengdu, you can take Yaan - Xichang Highway then out from Shimain, and go to kangding. Cheney and Grace leaved Chengdu around 2 o'clock in the afternoon...and guess what? yes, when Cheney and Grace arrived Kangding, it was already around 10 o'clock in the night......

Well, Cheney must says it is really worth to take this so long journey to Mugecuo. Oh...From Kangding to Mugecuo it needs around 40 mins bus, and when you arrive there, you need to take the resort bus. The bus service is from 8:00 am to 18:00 pm ( not quite sure with the service time). The bus will take you to the highest place named Mugecuo. After you finished this place then you can take the bus to next stop or just walk down. Cheney prefers to walk down to look the scenery but due to the tour Cheney didn't have enough time to see all the scenery in Mugecuo, see this is the disadvantage of attending the travel tour.

木格措位於康定,四川. 從成都去可以走雅西高速在石棉出來,再走山路進去....坐很久的車啊...八個小時咧...屁股都坐爛了..... Cheney 跟Grace 下午兩點從成都出發....晚上10點才到康定....好累又好暈啊......

但說真的,木格措還是值得去的....從康定到木格措還要40分鐘的車程, 到了風景區要換乘風景區的巴士,好像從早上八點到下午六點都有車,巴士會把你載到木格措,最上面的木格措湖(野人海),你看完這個景點後,可以坐巴士或是走步道到下一個景點,Cheney當然比較想用走的,可是因為行程的關係,就沒辦法了...所以也不是所有的景點都看到的....唉!這就是參加旅行團的壞處....不過,木格措要自助行....真的不容易....

From Mugecuo
From Mugecuo
From Mugecuo


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