Cheney and Grace's 2015 Japan trip plan

03/10/15 07:20-15:40 Flight to Shanghai and then to Kansai International airport   
03/10/15 Arrive Kansai  
03/10/15 get wifi
03/10/15 take 南海電鐵  to 難波  
03/10/15 hotel check in
03/10/15 dinner at 南蠻亭  
03/10/15 shopping

04/10/15 take JR to Kyoto station 
04/10/15 Visit 二條城 
04/10/15 lunch at  松阪牛What's
04/10/15 lunch at  三嶋亭壽喜燒 (or)
04/10/15 visit 西洞院通 丸久小山園
04/10/15 Visit 北野天滿宮 
04/10/15 Visit 金閣寺 
04/10/15 Visit 下鴨神社  

05/10/15 take 近鐵 to 奈良 from大阪難波 to 近鐵奈良 
05/10/15 Visit 興福寺  
05/10/15  Visit 現場搗麻糬的中谷堂
05/10/15 Visit 奈良町  
05/10/15 Visit 春日大社 
05/10/15 visit 東大寺 

06/10/15 take JR to Kyoto station 
06/10/15 take bus to 清水寺  
06/10/15 Visit  清水寺之一-二三年坂
06/10/15 Visit  八坂神社-圓山公園
06/10/15 和服體驗  
06/10/15 Visit  鍵善良房
06/10/15 Visit茶寮都路里 
06/10/15 Visit   寧寧之道、石屏小路、圓山公園夜景
06/10/15 Visit  祇園白川
06/10/15 dinner at 天周  

07/10/15 take JR to Kyoto station  
07/10/15 Visit  伏見稻荷大社  
07/10/15  visit 大阪城  
07/10/15 Visit 梅田

08/10/15 take 阪神山陽一日券to  姬路城 
08/10/15 Visit 姬路城 
08/10/15 Visit 大阪黑門市場

09/10/15 shopping 

09/10/15 18:30 flight back to Chengdu


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