2015 Japan trip - Mizuyachaya 水谷茶屋

To be honest, Cheney hates crowded resort or any other cafe…..Mizuyachaya, a place full with peace and quiet is the one that you really enjoy this kind of atmosphere....well, from Cheney’s point, this place is not suitable for the crazy and evil children or teenagers…

說實話, Cheney 一直很討厭人多的旅遊勝地或是咖啡店.....吵死了.....水谷茶屋是一個靜懿的地方,如果你也喜歡這樣的氣氛....Cheney倒是很建議你過來看看....至於吵鬧或是邪惡的屁小孩....就最好不要來了....

It was founded in 1948 (昭和23 年) and located in face-to-face Mizutani flowing through the entrance of Kitasando of Kasuga Shrine River, as it is the architecture has been thatched roof and pillars in the Taisho initial. In Fall, maple is gregarious; In summer hereby could let you forget the babble is heat with the vivid green and the river, away from the hustle and bustle of the city, it will be healed very.

水谷茶屋據說是開業於昭和23年, 西元1948年(這個Cheney就不是很確定了),建築的外觀好像是一直都沒變,是用茅草蓋的屋頂,秋天這裡的楓紅應該是很漂亮的,夏天聽那潺潺流水與欣賞青綠的樹林,Cheney覺得真的是可以忘卻煩惱,遠離城市的喧囂啊.......很療癒啊......

Well, sometimes you just need protect your dessert….cause the deer just quicker than you can response……..

By the way,  要捉皮卡丘...就別來這了....只會滑手機的...也別去了......不懂欣賞靜懿何能了解禪意呢........


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