Italy Journey Day 1 : Departure
Date: 18/12/05
Day 1 Departure
沒有想像中的興奮,在清晨六點,cheney抵達Gatwick Airport,本以為這會是個小機場,沒想到還真大呢...cheney以為給那種低價航空的機場都是比較小的那種說..事實證明未必如此呢.....不知道是不是因為cheney兩天沒睡什麼覺的關係,cheney一路上心思渙散,心不在焉....還好很順利地check in 多收Cheney 5鎊的Easy Jet 低價航空的班機啦.....
在飛機上的Cheney真的是一路睡到底...完全沒知覺,可見前幾天的熬夜有多麼的傷身啦....不過呢...Cheney依稀記得Easy Jet 的空姐長得不錯看呢...典型的金髮美女,不過呢,就跟其他的空姐一樣,小腿肚都有點小粗啦...哈哈
義大利比英國快一小時,所以囉,cheney又損失ㄧ小時可以玩的時間囉,這可以算是 Time Zone Travel Disadvantage吧....喔喔...Cheney的 destination 是威尼斯的馬可波羅機場....
從馬可波羅機場到威尼斯市中心有兩種方法,一種方法是坐ATVO bus到羅馬廣場(Piazzale Roma),這個地方也是四輪跟兩輪能最接近威尼斯的地點啦,過了這個地方,就得坐水上巴士囉 ......ATVO bus 只要€3,算很便宜啦!!!大約40分鐘的車程就到啦,買票的地方呢,在聖馬可機場的入境大廳的左邊,你就會看到有四個還是五個售票口,如果cheney沒記錯的話,第一個遇到的售票口有賣威尼斯卡,如果你在威尼斯待個兩天以上的話,cheney建議你買一張來用用呢,會省很多水上巴士錢咧!!而且啊,還有一些博物館的折扣的樣子,還有上廁所也免錢的樣子,不過呢,容cheney囉唆一下,威尼斯卡有分好幾種,大家要去威尼斯前最好先研究一下囉,還有也要注意一下那個年齡限制啊....
Cheney 訂的Hostel是在硬壤區(Dorsoduro)...啥是硬壤區啊?就是腳下踩的是硬硬的土地囉...哈
...基本上呢,威尼斯是建築在一個潟湖上,所以呢,土質大部分應該都是鬆軟的沙質地,硬壤區顧名思義就是土壤堅實囉......cheney住的地方是在這個地區的聖巴納巴水道(Rio San Barnaba)旁邊,就在拳頭橋(Ponte dei Pugni)幾步路而已啦....
介紹一下Cheney住的Hostel,Casa Rezzonico,很乾淨,早餐的話可以前一晚跟櫃台說,一個人€5,cheney跟旅伴住的是兩人房加床並附私人衛浴的房間,很乾淨,也很安靜,窗戶打開就是聖巴納巴水道....很棒呢...喔喔.. 一個人一晚要價€33,有點小貴啦...旅館的員工服務態度很好,也都會說英文,所以啦,如果你的預算不成問題,cheney跟你推薦這一間囉......不過很可惜的他們沒有網站,你得透過 這個網站訂房...至於怎麼從羅馬廣場到這呢,你可以從羅馬廣場搭1號水上巴士到Ca' Rezzonico 下船,再走大約十分鐘到十五分鐘就可以到囉.....
5 o'clock in the frezzing morning, Cheney and friends departed from Guildford to London Gatwick airport...the frezzing wind made Cheney wake up... actually before this departure day, Cheney had already stayed up late at least two nights....therefore, Cheney's brain was not quite clear at that moment. This journey, the Italy trip, was not expected as Cheney thought before, there were some things made Cheney did not feel good, however, this journey still went on...and it was the only thing that Cheney feel better at that time.....
6 o'clock , Cheney and friends arrived Gatwick airport, it is bigger than Cheney expected...Because Cheney is a poor student so the plane Cheney took was the budget Airline, Easy Jet, which costed £5 more for Cheney in comparison with Cheney's friends' price..Damn..Easy Jet...
During the flying Cheney slept all the time but Cheney still remember that the stewardess are quite beautiful....typical western beauty.....

there are two ways to arrive Venice from Marco Polo Airport, one is by ATVO bus and another one is taking boats to Venice. If you take ATVO bus, it will cost you €3 for each person and it takes around 40 mins to arrive Piazzale Roma. From Piazzale Roma you can take the water buses to the place where you want to go. And if you take the boat to Venice, it will cost €9 as Cheney knows.
When you arrive Marco Polo Airport, you can fine the ticket windows on the left side of the arriving hall. Cheney suggest that if you will stay in Venice more than two days, you'd better buy a Venice Card, it has different kinds of discount, you can use it while you take the water bus with unlimited time within a special period. There are also some discount with some museums. Cheney recommods that you'd better check the detail before you start your journey.
The hostel Cheney lived is called Casa Rezzonico. It is very clean and the staff is so kind and can speak English. The room Cheney booked is a twin room added a bed (Cheney guess)..for each person is €33 per night, and if you need to have the breakfast you can also book at the reception. This hostel is located at Dorsoduro and just beside the beautiful Rio San Barnaba. You can take water bus No.1 and get off at Ca' Rezzonico and around 10 or 15 mins walk then you will arrive. By the way, if you want to book this hostel, you have to use the