There are lots Angkor travel information on the internet, however, Cheney didn't find a good digital map on the net. So Cheney refereed to the travel guide Cheney bought and draw the following 2 images. Hope this can help you know the locations of Angkor temples. If you need a big and clear image you can either link to the album and download it or just contact Cheney to have one.
網路上有不少吳哥的旅行資料,但 Cheney沒找到比較好的數位地圖可參考,所以Cheney 參考了旅遊書畫了下面的圖給各位參考,有需要大圖的,請自行去看原圖,或是跟Cheney聯絡 |
Cheney also bought this 3D map on be honest, it is no use...just for collection
This is the main travel guide Cheney referred in Angkor
This should be the best travel guide for Angkor. However, it is not published anymore....Cheney bought it at Angkor...of course, it is not a legal version.....USD$10 ...bloody Cheaper than second hand at Amazon...but there was more bloody cheaper one....only USD$1........God!
Michael Freeman的這本應該是最好的一本,可惜已經絕版了.....Cheney在吳哥買了一本...當然啦...是海盜版的,要價10美金,真是他XX的比亞馬遜2手的便宜啊....但是還有更便宜的....美金1塊啦!!XX的....被騙了
This one is good for the photographer, but there are some mistakes.....
There are 3 tickets for Angkor resort: one day pass, three days pass and seven days pass. For the price are USD$20, USD$40 and USD$60. All the resorts and temples need to check the ticket when you enter it. And some information said that some of the remote temples do not need the ticket. Guys, it is wrong, all of them are ticket required.
吳哥有三種票: 一日遊,三日遊,七日遊,分別是美金20元, 40元跟60元