DIY photographing Studio 2 -- Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and Nikon D300

Well, since Cheney has bought the tablet, Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1, then Cheney should try it in different, Cheney connect the note with Cheney's old Nikon D300 via an app named helicon remote.

Cheney must say with this App it do remote the Nikon D300, however, the auto focus function is not good enough...but with the larger LCD monitor, it is good for checking the detail......

Cheney read this information from a japanese website, ここはまだ夢の世界, and the Apps is available on google play (click here ) also you can find an introduction video on youtube : helicon remote introduction video

by the way, you need a OTG cable and a micro USB cable

Cheney 買了平板後, 肯定要多方嘗試啦....今天在google play 下載了一個helicon remote軟體, 讓平板跟Cheney的老Nikon D300 連線囉....透過這個軟體就可以在平板上live view....
youtube 上有教人怎麼用....請參考 helicon remote introduction video
下載地點: here

你問Cheney好不好用呢....Cheney 覺得他的對焦不是很好用......但是用來看細節應該是不錯的


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