Actually, it was the second time that Cheney visited Australia, but for Grace was the first time....Also, this was the first time that Cheney and Grace visited Cheney's brother's, Matt, flat.
Due to the past experience, Cheney and Grace arranged the flight to avoid the delay problem, therefore, Cheney and Grace needed to stay at Honk Kong airport for nearly 8 hours. Since Cheney planed that if the plane was delayed..then Cheney and Grace still had plenty of time to transfer...(normally, one hour for transfer is enough, but if you took flight from the cities in need always prepare that the flight will be delayed...Never never on time Cheney!!!)
這應該算是Cheney第二次去澳洲了, Grace則是第一次....但這是第一次Cheney and Grace 去Cheney弟弟Matt買的房子...
由於中國的班機班機延誤才算是正常情況,為了轉機不出差錯, Cheney跟Grace的航班要轉機8小時....夠久吧.....
The flight Cheney and Grace took was Dragon Airlines, from Chengdu to Hong Kong, the departure time was 08:20 in the morning and will arrive Hong Kong at 11:00. then transfer to Brisbane but the flight will fly to Cairns first and then to Brisbane...
Normally there are two or three flight to Brisbane from Hong Kong every day. But due to the delay problem, Cheney and Grace did not dare to choose the one that transfer time only need 1 or 2 hours.
But how lucky Cheney and Grace were, the flight from Chengdu to Hong Kong was on time...yes, it is on time which means that Cheney and Grace need to stay at Hong Kong airport for nearly 8 hours....
Cheney and Grace搭港龍航空早上八點二十的飛機到香港大約十一點,然後再搭晚上七點的飛機到布里斯本,中途還要在凱因思停一個小時, 香港到澳洲的班機一天好像只有兩三班, 為了不會因為班機延誤導致行程出問題, Cheney跟Grace 只好選擇這樣的坐法....
After this Cheney and Grace are no more interesting with Hong Kong airport...all the stores were visited...and the price was so expensive....not worth to have a meat there. Perhaps Starbucks and McDonald are the only two that price is closed to the market where you live.
以後Cheney 跟Grace 再也不會對香港機場的瞎拼有興趣了...全部的店都走過了....價格也很貴....
After a long long waiting, Cheney and Grace finally could boarding....
p.s 香港機場的wifi 好像不能玩遊戲....PS vita 不能啊....杯具...