Himeji castle located in Himeji, it is a beautiful castle and in the past it was used as for military. In 1993, it becomes one of the USESCO world heritage sites, ha...one one world heritage site on Cheney's travel history. The castle was reopen at March this year, therefore, Cheney and Grace planed in this trip to avoid the crazy and crowd y tourists..

姬路城也是世界遺產之一啊....Cheney的世界遺產之旅的list 又添加了一筆囉....姬路城的天守閣好像今年的三月才重新開放的,所以Cheney 跟Grace 就趕快過來看啦....
If you wanna visited Himeji you'd better arrive earlier, cause it will limit the quantity of visiting the castle and always need wait for a long line.
If you are interesting with military castle and related knowledge you won't feel disappoint with Himeji castle, but if you wanna meet princess...well you might disappoint however there do lots cute Japanese girl visit Himeji...ha ha....and just don't tell Cheney that you meet Princess Tokugawa Sen...