有錢也千萬不要買 02 一波三折的監控攝影機.Beseye Next....
Firstly, allow Cheney declared that this post is not telling you not to buy this product, Beseye Next surveillance cam, it is only a using experience shared by Cheney.
Cheney has used Synology NAS system as a surveillance for a long time, to be honest, the software designed by Synology is really good for user and enterprise units. Last year, Cheney bought a surveillance cam, made in China, and....sadly, after one week used, it was hacked, and totally died.....well, about this product and the experience Cheney had, please refer to the following link
With this result, Cheney bought another brand, which is called Beseye, the product was named in Beseye Next. Well, but there was a tragedy happened, which was it was forbidden to ship 3C products between Taiwan and China from that time......well.....then this surveillance cam just stayed at Cheney's flat in Taiwan almost one year...Until last month, Cheney finally can bring it to Chengdu.
but....the warrantee is out of date!!! what a tragedy!!
Cheney 其實利用Synology NAS 來做監控做居家安全的防備有一陣子了,先前買了一個XX製的,用不到一個禮拜就被hacker 給駭入,而且掛了....至於是什麼牌子,就請各位參考這篇吧
所以Cheney 很快地就又買了一個新的....但是沒想到從那時候開始3C產品都不能快遞了.....真是xxx啊....本來想賣掉的....結果也是沒人買.....於是,他就在Cheney台灣的家中靜靜地躺了一年
the package design look good
well, these photos were took by iPhone XS not in Photograghing studio style and quality!!sorry!
well, still have some problem when Cheney tried to install it..it said that the wifi signal was not strong enough, however, the flat's internet router was just next to the device!
在line 問他們的客服...恩態度還不錯....只不過實在是回覆太慢了....不知道是不是因為Cheney身處上網需要技術的國度的關係還是Beseye 的生意太好了....總之,在他們回答Cheney的問題前,Cheney都已經自行解決了
well, their customer service is use Line, well what for the western clients who do not use line on their phone? well, for Cheney's experience with their service, don't know was the reason that Cheney is at the internet restrict region or not, their reply was very slow...slower then Cheney had already solved the problems by Cheney's self.
Cheney installed it on the back balcony
Beseye 的軟體設計有其過人之處...不過對於Cheney這種習慣自己設定的,還是有些不習慣....至於他的品質好不好呢....Cheney要測試過一陣子才能跟各位報告.....本文不是廣告文....至於想看這個產品介紹的...麻煩各位自己google 一下...只不過Cheney都只找到講好話的”葉佩雯“ 就是了.....
Must say that the apps designed by Beseye do has it cutting edge function, but for the people like Cheney still feel a little bit not very used for their function, for Beseye's quality, well, after about one weeks test, the video quality is good and the night vision is too.
Again, this post is not an advertisement or a review provided by manufacturers, if you need further information about this product, please google by yourself, well, although Cheney found most of them are not real product reviews but more like an advertisement reviews.