有錢也千萬不要買 05 HP G42 laptop 筆記型電腦螢幕再利用

很多年之前Grace 買了一台HP G42 laptop 當時還是Cheney幫忙挑的....基本上買得都很頂級,ram也加到最大了,後來因為買了其他的電腦,所以這一台也就給Cheney老爸用了....不過不知道為什麼,可能是中國製的laptop到了台灣就開始水土不服了....沒多久就開始頻繁當機...Cheney的老爸送去給人修....說是顯卡的問題.....不過呢....Cheney覺得啦 ....應該是H牌的設計有問題或是N牌的顯卡設計有問題,導致過熱當機....再加上很多笨蛋網頁設計師的coding 會導致大量的GPU運算.....

Around ten years ago, Grace bought a HP G42 laptop, while Cheney helped her to buy this one, and at that time, the laptop's specification was almost at the top level, not only upgrade the CPU but also its ram. Later, Grace had a new one, therefore, Cheney just gave this H brand laptop to Cheney's father. However, don't know why, perhaps it was made in China, while it at Taiwan, it did not run smoothly....always crush! well, Cheney guess it might because the H brand design was not good at the cooling system, or the N brand graphic card design had some problem on cooling! also there were a lot of stupid website coding designer made a lot webpage might cause a lot of GPU loading...and these resulted the crush of laptop!!


Cheney's father bought another A brand desktop, and this was also a really "well" design PC, if got chance, allow Cheney share about the A brand desktop story with you !!

話說,H牌的laptop就又被Cheney帶回成都了.....貴森森的電腦....就被當成擱東西墊子了....後來前一陣子Cheney 看到了這個影片 :筆記型電腦螢幕再利用 於是Cheney也把這個H牌的laptop 的螢幕也拆下來了,同時在掏寶買了一個顯示器驅動模組

Well, the H brand laptop then was brought back to Chengdu by Cheney as a flat to put something such as a cup of tea !! A few weeks ago, Cheney watched this video 筆記型電腦螢幕再利用 , so Cheney bought a module of the monitor and of cause took apart the monitor from the laptop

所以說....現在又多了一個螢幕可以用了.......Yes!! now, Cheney has 4 monitor with a win 10 desktop and a MacBook Pro
這就是DIY 改造再利用的H牌laptop 螢幕 this is the H brand monitor took apart the laptop 
還沒想好要怎麼做外殼!!所以就先用ikea 書架跟膠帶 先頂一下....膠帶綑綁萬歲!!!well, Cheney has no idea how to DIY the case of the monitor! any suggestion?!!
這就是驅動模組....改天再來分享!!This is the driver module of monitor
不知道是型號的關係還是賣家弄錯驅動韌體了!螢幕有一塊黑條啊!!!扣分!扣分!!Don't know why, there is a black area on the monitor...might the firmware is not correct! 

換其他的解析度也是一樣啊!! even change into other resolution is the same situation

含運費一共六十多塊草紙的驅動模組就可以有1080P的螢幕....黑條不能解決就加減用囉!!Well, only about $RMB 60 within the shipping fee...so this can be acceptable la!! after all, with less than 100 $RMB you get a monitor can be a worth investment!!

Just add some things that this DIY monitor can be used on PS4 too, 


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