Clubbing or Privacy ?

 Well, there is an app only for iOS is very popular recently!! but is it safe for the people who can talk anything within this APP? Cheney wonders!! 

well, 最近有一款iOS蘋果手機系統的App,不過這個App安全嗎?Cheney是很懷疑啦!!

Firstly, the App uses the technology which is from Strong Nation, and currently no one knows where the server is located, which is use for storing your chatting voice contents...well, this can be seen as an answer machine or a voice recorder on internet ? 

首先,這個App 據說是用強國的公司在聲音伺服器上的技術,誒,不知道這個App的伺服器在哪呢?伺服器幹嘛用的?簡單說就是給你開房間用的(不是後忒魯開房間啦!)要跟人聊天總要有房間(伺服器)好把你們的聲音互相傳遞嗎!不知道可不可以拿錄音機還是答錄機做比喻,不過Cheney覺得應該不算吧!

crazy for digital social life only will make you feel more lonely when everything you keen on is ended!!


Second, you need get an SMS via your phone number.....this made the telecom company or the internet service provider could tracing you, you need to know that in Strong nation, the phone number is requested as a real-name system, so don't tell Cheney that they can not trace you or they don't know who you are....take a look the adverting while you accessing your Fuckbook, the advertising is totally tailored for you....for example, if you love accessing pronhub...then Cheney guesses the adverting on your fuckbook will mostly be 18X something......

據說這個APP需要有人發給你邀請碼,你才能加入,每個人也只有兩個邀請碼,聽說邀請碼都可以賣錢了呢!!Cheney當然是沒有啦!人緣不好!所以別指望Cheney給你囉!另外這個App 還需要你用SMS認證...這也就意味著電信公司是可以找到你的喔!在強國,電話可是實名認證的!!無所謂嗎?反正你也沒有什麼不可告人的地方嗎?Cheney相信你一定是百分之百的正人君子啦!不會上PronHub 當然Fuckbook的廣告就不會出現18X的飛機杯廣告了!話說人家雞排妹開記者會都會順便行銷一下她的產品,你脫光光給這一類的有隱私疑慮的App看,你就不覺得廣告商會幫你量身定做飛機杯的尺寸嗎?

Third, how dare you are!! you guys discussed the forbidden politics issue within the APP....everything you did on internet will leave the footprint....well, hope god will bless you !


To be honest, Cheney did like this app, and it is really good for people to social or communication...but with its unclear privacy issue, Cheney advices you guys to be more cautious...


Cheney's mewe 


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