Photo took at 国営ひたち海浜公園
Ok, this photo was shoot by Cheney, however, the sky was not the sky at that location and moment, Cheney used another photo shoot by Cheney as the sky, but these two photos were both shoot at Japan in the same period days......
這張照片是Cheney 在国営ひたち海浜公園拍的, 當天的天氣非常差,下雨又冷.....沒有美麗的藍天....Grace and Cheney 衣服穿少了...沒辦法禦寒啊!所以沒辦法拍出好照片...所以呢Cheney找了一張隔天在東京拍的天空替換掉了.....技術很差 還是看起來不自然啊!