Angkor trip day 2 - Banteay Kdei

After finished the visit of Ta Prohm, Cheney and Grace went to Banteay Kdei. Well, the weather was not good, a little bit raining, but it still felt very hot and sweaty.  The style of Banteay Kdei is similar to Bayon. People said it is a smaller version of Ta Prohm and Preah Khan, well, Cheney must said that if you do not have a good tour guide then every temple looks alike...That's Cheney feeling! And again, Cheney here highly recommend that you should hire a tour guide if you wanna visit Angkor and of course a good tuktuk driver!

在看完塔普倫寺後, Cheney 與Grace到了班黛喀蒂寺,天氣不是很好,下著一點小雨,但是還是很熱又很濕啊! 班黛喀蒂寺是與巴戎寺相同的建築風格,有人說他是塔普倫寺與寶劍塔的小一號翻版.....ㄟ... Cheney是看不太出來啦! 再次,Cheney要強烈建議大家找個導遊跟好的tuktuk司機......好的導遊帶你領略吳哥的風華....壞的導遊A光你口袋中的錢啦!

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