Ubuntu 12.10 has released! Cheney used to have it installed with win 7 32bit, but after Cheney changed the system to win 7 64 bit, then Cheney just could not install these two system in the desktop ! Until Ubuntu released the 12.10 version, then Cheney had a chance to try it again, and it works!
Ubuntu 12.10 已經在前幾天發布了,Cheney之前用32bit的win7的時候裝過雙系統,運作起來還挺順的,不過換了64bit的win7後 就一直裝不起來了,前幾天ubuntu 12.10發布後, Cheney又試了一次就成啦
People said the booting speed of Ubuntu should faster than Win 7, but don't why...Cheney's Ubuntu is slower than win 7. Anyway, it is not important, the reason why Cheney use ubuntu is to install PS3 media server in Ubuntu, cause it gets better performance than Win 7!
照理來說, Ubuntu開機速度應該比win7快,但不知道為什麼Cheney的開機速度卻是相反,管她的
反正Cheney只是要用PS3 media server 因為PS3 media server在 ubuntu的表現要比win7好太多了
Ubuntu can support 4 virtual desk.....ubuntu可以支援4個虛擬桌面
to install PS3 media server, you need use "terminal", find the terminal Apps and then input the following command:
要安裝ps3 media server 得先把"terminal"這個程式叫出來,並輸入以下的指令
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:happy-neko/ps3mediaserver
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ps3mediaserver
ha, not work, right? yes, these commands are not work currently, cause the writer hasn't updated it. So, please follow the below steps:
1. download the PS3 media server from here and save it in your home directory
下載PS3 media server 並把它存到你的home的檔案夾
2. use the "terminal" and input the following command
打開terminal 並輸入以下指令
sudo apt-get install mencoder ffmpeg mplayer vlc openjdk-6-jre
3. When the step 2 is finised, go to your home directory and right click on the file you downloaded and select extract here
當第二步驟完成後,到home 資料夾,以右鍵點擊你下載的檔案,選擇在此解壓縮
4. In the folder, find the file "PMS.sh" and right click on it and choose properties. In Permissions, allow it to be executed. Do the same thing on the file named "tsMuxeR"
在解壓縮的資料夾中,找到PMS.sh 以右鍵點擊,選擇"內容" ,在"permissions"中選擇允許其被運行,tsMuxeR這個檔案也是一樣
5. just double click on PMS.sh and choose run to start the program! and enjoy !
PS3 media server can support Cheney's Sony bravia TV
PS3 media server 可以支援Cheney的sony bravia 電視
by the way, don't forget to set up the subtitle function. For tradition chinese it is cp950
the following photo is the subtitle setup reference

blog images
See, the subtiltle is work ! 看有字幕了
Cheney's desktop is core i5 2500k with 8G ram and it seems can play blu-ray movie smoothly!
Cheney的電腦是 intel core i5 2500k 與8G 的 ram 跑藍光應該是可以吧....